My husband is an avid duck hunter. I'm not even sure avid is the right word, maybe it should be obsessed duck hunter! He loves everything about it. Being out in the cold, standing in the freezing water, tromping through mud. He loves all of it. But, he says what really gets him excited is seeing a group of ducks circling high above the timber. Swirling and soaring, green heads glistening in the sunlight, faint quacking, and all of the sudden diving head first, wings flapping, right into his face. That's what he LOVES!? On one trip to the field, a few ducks began flying overhead. To the average eye, it looked as if they would just continue flying over to another field. But not to Brett. He said, "Get ready guys, these ducks are acting right." You see, he's spent time in the fields and woods. He's watched ducks and other great duck hunters. He's called ducks in and seen what makes them come in and what makes them continue on their journey. He knows exactly what sound to make, how loud or soft, how long or short. He knows because he's spent time studying and practicing.
To be a great Christian, one who brings lost souls to Christ, we must put the same time and passion into studying God's word and making sure that we have a relationship with Him. Psalm 119:105 says "Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Knowing God's word and listening for His voice gives us confidence to spread His word to others and the ability to take advantage of opportunities He places before us. Just as a duck hunter must carefully listen and pay attention to "how the ducks are acting" Christians must be aware that God is around us helping us. If Brett went into the woods for the first time, with no knowledge of how to hunt ducks, he probably would leave empty handed. As Christians, if we try to go out into the world without knowledge from God's word, we're probably not going to be able to reach any lost souls.
Once we take the time to dive into God's word and learn from the Master, we will be like Paul and John in Acts 4:20,
"for we cannot stop speaking of what we have seen and heard."
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