Psalms 139:13-16 "For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth; Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; and in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them."
In these verses, we find out that God is a crafter too! We are the works of God's hands. We find this out right from the beginning, in the first chapter of Genesis. It only took the spoken word of God to create everything, well almost everything. Man was not just created by a spoken word. No, man was made by the hand of God and formed from the dust of the earth. And, life was breathed into man by the breath of God. That is powerful! God breathed His almighty breath into Adam, and He breathes the breath of life into each of us through the Holy Spirit. So when you're dragging, feeling down, or feeling like you're not worth much, think about the fact that you are alive because God breathed life into you! That ought to straighten your attitude up and get you back on track! That ought to put a smile on your face and kind words on your tongue. That ought to give you the strength and courage to let others know how great your God is--even if everything in your life isn't just the way you want it.
Do you ever feel like you are too fat or too thin, too tall or too short? Do you feel like you're not smart enough or outgoing enough? Now, I am not a big fan of feel good preachers who promise beauty, wealth, and health. I am a fan of my God who made me and created me just the way He wanted. My God who knit me together. My God who promises me eternity with Him. According to Psalm 139, everything about us is exactly the way God intended it. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. The Greek word for fearfully is mekos which means length. God made us with great reverence and heartfelt interest and respect. He took His time to form us just perfectly. To be fearfully made means that God considered each of us before He made us. He saw us before our mothers and fathers ever met. He put great thought into who each of us would be and what we would look like. It was not mass production. He put great detail into every aspect of our lives, from the beginning to the end. We were not a mistake or a second thought. He decided we would be here. We are intentional and have a purpose. We are not special because we belong to the right group, are pretty, popular, rich, wear stylish clothing, are in good shape, are athletic, have a good job , title, and position. None of this gives us worth and value. We are special because we are made by God. If we were created by God, which we were, we have to be wonderful!!
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