So, I bought a new shirt the other day. It is a graphic tank that says Not Photo shopped. I bought it simply because I teach Photoshop and thought it would be cute. Several times I have reached for it just to pull my hand back and choose something else. I hesitate to wear the shirt for fear that people will think I'm saying that I am flawless. That I don't need to be Photo shopped. This world is so cruel. The fashion industry and media tell women that we need to be perfect. They say we need to be healthy, by eating right and exercising, which to them means as skinny as you can possibly get without being dead. Our hair should be perfect, but look like we did nothing to fix it, like we just rolled out of bed and had gorgeous shiny hair. Our skin should be sun kissed, yet don't get out in the sun, it causes cancer. The world wants us to achieve the impossible. The world tells us to be perfect on our own.
But, I am far from perfect. I have flaws on my skin. My hair does not fall in the perfect way every day. I am not skin and bones. I am flawed. Not only in my appearance, but also in my faith.What I am is sin soaked and marred by the world. I struggle daily with temptations to follow the world. But, thankfully God has given me forgiveness. He sent His Son to cover my sins and to give me a chance at perfection. He's given me a new life, a way to have eternal life. Because my sins have been washed away, He doesn't see my imperfections, He sees my light. He doesn't see my flaws. He sees Christ.
I will never achieve worldly perfection. But because of Christ's love for me, I am made perfect through Him. So, as my shirt says, I am not Photo shopped. I am God breathed. Cross covered. Holy Spirit filled.
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